Crime Rise Concerns

Cllr Dr Jonathan WallaceGREG recently met with local police sergeants at Newcastle East police station to discuss recent incidents in the ward. We are concerned by reports that crime has risen by 16% in the last six months in Newcastle and are aware of a number of local incidents including vehicle break-ins in the Coquet / Lesbury part of the ward, and attempted “sneak burglaries” where criminals try to make off with valuables or car keys from unlocked houses – even when people are at home. The police advice is clear: keep valuables out of sight and keep cars, garages, and homes locked! Police are also holding “surgeries” at the local Sainsburys – see details in store.

Remember, you have the opportunity to vote for the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner in May. The incumbent Labour PCC’s record has been disappointing – crime has gone up on her watch, she fell out with the Chief Constable, and this year has seen more cuts to police budgets thanks to the Conservative government. The Lib Dem candidate for PCC is Cllr Dr Jonathan Wallace, who is Lib Dem leader of the opposition on Gateshead council – we will be working with him to campaign to save local neighbourhood policing.

Update: DOREEN and GREG were very concerned to hear that a young woman was raped recently late at night crossing Heaton Park. We attended the “Reclaim the Park” anti-rape community protest and would like to congratulate the organisers for their efforts. This attack is a shocking incident which we utterly deplore. We understand police patrols are being stepped up in the park after dark – and we want to ensure regular police-councillor local problem solving meetings are kept up.

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