Doreen & Greg are regularly out and about in the Ward.
We could be conducting Surveys to find out resident’s opinions, or asking about any problems or issues in the neighbourhood, or we may be undertaking Walkabouts with officers to look and learn. If you think there is a local issue which needs addressing please get in touch
With our Ward Funds we try to help local charities and groups who give ‘added value’ to our residents, particularly if the grants can help the environment, children or disadvantaged groups. For instance we recently supported the work of the Heaton History group in their work to remember the dreadful Heaton Mining Disaster. We have actively supported the establishment of the Friends
of High Heaton Library to help prevent our community Library from closure by the Labour Council (We were successful) We have supported development of our local Allotment groups, The Peoples Theatre, improvement to our Parks and much more. We often join in clean ups or planting sessions to keep the area, especially our parks and green spaces, smarter and colourful.
Residents tell us they appreciate our street planters and flowers, and we have been fortunate to receive help from our local Allotment groups